Xihye Lee

Projects 2013 - 2022
  1. Jentle Garden Gentlemonster
  2. Sound of Night Tamburins
  3. Error in the Beat Gentlemonster
  4. Haus Dosan in Zepeto Gentlemonster
  5. Spectrum Stair D’strict
  6. Reborn Gate D’strict
  7. Horror Night D’strict
  8. Infinity Moment D’strict
  9. Live Block D’strict
  10. Live Shooting D’strict
  11. Live Shadow D’strict
  12. AR Bench D’strict

Not Project
  1. Interview
  2. Column
  3. FDSC stage
  4. Design FM
  5. Sanfransisco 2019
  6. Kyoto 2018

Side Project
  1. Peanut Card

  1. Xihye Lee is a UX Designer and Project Manager based in Seoul, Korea.

  2. She creates digital media contents, interactive game, installation object, AR product, analog exhibition planing and other relevant things.

  3. Sometimes do other things.


Spectrum Stair

Seoul, Korea / 2018, Nov. open run
Client Hyundai IT&E
Created by D’strict
Art Director Sanjin Lee
Concept & Project Managment Xihye Lee
Motion Graphic Yujin Kim
HW crafted by Line Design & Engineering

          This project is a media art installation located in a stairway of ‘Media Art’ zone in VR station.The main structure of this work is made of 4000m of custom-made nylon strings (3mm) which are support by steel frames. The video projected to this nylon is creating third-dimensional illusion. Density of the strings creates the image screens that stretch across the space. These string screens differ from the traditionally flat screens as it can take on a variety of expressions. By using black mirrors in the both sides of the wall, the illusion is reflecting each other and expands its boundary. A new type of visible shapes could be experienced through the mysterious unity of light and images, blending inside a space.

            강남역에 오픈한 VR Station 공간의 3층 계단을 올라가는 천장위에 설치된 미디어아트 구조물이다. 특수제작한 얇은 3mm의 나이론실로 이어진 입체적인 스크린을 구현하여 그 형태를 이용한 실험적인 영상을 제작했다. 3대의 프로젝션을 연결하여 사용하였고, 실 양쪽 끝에는 VR모양의 간접등이 들어간 철프레임으로 실을 팽팽하게 지지하도록 제작했다.계단의 양쪽 벽은 흑경을 배치하여 좌우로 계속 반복되어 확장하는 효과를 연출했다. 

Making of 
